Welcome to DigiComFeniLTD

DigiComfeniLTD Feni Dish Network is an Feni Based television Dish provider.

About Us

Welcome to DigiComFeni: Your Premier Dish Cable TV and Internet Provider

We at Digicom Feni are determined to give you an unforgettable Digital TV experience. You can now enjoy more than 500 channels across genres with amazing picture quality and seamless connectivity. Pay less and enjoy entertainment like never before!

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Dish Cable TV

Experience crystal-clear picture quality and a vast array of channels with our dish cable TV service

Internet Service

Stay connected with our lightning-fast internet service. Whether you're streaming HD with DigiComFeni.

Full HD Channel Provider

We always know what you want, And we always provide you HD channel.

Instant Technical Service

We always ready to serve you smooth and clear service instantly.


Area Oparetor




We are happy if you are happy with our services, we always try to make your free time happy and smiley. Be happy with us!

CableTV - Dish

Experience crystal-clear picture quality and a vast array of channels with our dish cable TV service. Whether you're a sports enthusiast, a movie buff, or a fan of reality TV, we have the perfect package to suit your preferences. With DigiComFeni, you'll never miss out on your favorite shows and events again.

Internet Provider:

Stay connected with our lightning-fast internet service. Whether you're streaming HD videos, gaming online, or working from home, our high-speed internet ensures a seamless online experience for you and your family. Say goodbye to buffering and lagging – with DigiComFeni, browsing the web has never been smoother.

HDtv Channel

We always know what you want, And we always provide you HD channel.

Best channel Collection

We select only selected channel which you like.


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Ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident.

Get Started

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Cupiditate placeat cupiditate placeat est ipsam culpa. Delectus quia minima quod. Sunt saepe odit aut quia voluptatem hic voluptas dolor doloremque.

  • Ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
  • Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit.
  • Facilis ut et voluptatem aperiam. Autem soluta ad fugiat.
Get Started


Necessitatibus eius consequatur ex aliquid fuga eum quidem sint consectetur velit

  • All
  • App
  • Card
  • Web

App 1

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Product 1

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Branding 1

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App 2

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Product 2

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Branding 2

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App 3

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Product 3

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Branding 3

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Necessitatibus eius consequatur ex aliquid fuga eum quidem sint consectetur velit

Free Plan

300 / month

  • Quam adipiscing vitae proin
  • Nec feugiat nisl pretium
  • Nulla at volutpat diam uteera
  • Pharetra massa massa ultricies
  • Massa ultricies mi quis hendrerit

Developer Plan

1200 / month

  • Quam adipiscing vitae proin
  • Nec feugiat nisl pretium
  • Nulla at volutpat diam uteera
  • Pharetra massa massa ultricies
  • Massa ultricies mi quis hendrerit

Frequently Asked Questions

Some of our clinet ask about our services helps.

1. can i buy plan from online?

No, Still we are not setup online payments. very Soon we will start it.

2. Are you offer Internet Too?

Yes, We are providing internet also in many areas.

3. Your Tv cannel are lined or by cable?

We are still on cable line only, Very soon we are going to live without cables.

4. Do you Offer outsite of feni?

Yes, We are offering Feni zilla - including Noakhali, chuddogram, baraiyyar hat also.

5. Do you Have internet and tv channel same cable?

No, Still not.


Here our some of director and admins are

Mr. Mamunur Rashid Mamun


Act as a chairman of DigigcomFeniLTD

Mr. Md. Shahab Uddin

Vice Chairman

Act as a Vice chairman of DigigcomFeniLTD

Mr. Nazrul Islam Sopon Miazi

Managing Director

Act as a Managing Director of DigigcomFeniLTD

Mr. M N Nobi

Deputy Managing Director

Act as a Deputy Managing Director of DigigcomFeniLTD

Mr. Saif Uddin Khan Monsur

Finance Director

Act as a Deputy Managing Director of DigigcomFeniLTD

Mr. Sumon Shikdar

Technicale Director

Act as a Technicale Director of DigigcomFeniLTD

Mr. Sumon Shikdar

Admin Director

Act as a Admin Director of DigigcomFeniLTD

Mr. Anamul Hoque Manik

Sales & Marketing Director

Act as a Sales & Marketing Director of DigigcomFeniLTD

Who We are

DigiComfeniLTD Feni Dish Network is an Feni Based television Dish provider.

Call Us


We at Digicom Feni are determined to give you an unforgettable Digital TV experience.


BD Cable TV

I have Digicom in both of my offices and I can honestly state that their customer service and response time is second to none!

Sharukh Islam

Ananda Jatra Ltd

As a technical professional, I appreciated the approach of ‘this is how it is’ without the sales-man sugar coating techniques. This type of professional honesty I did not get from the other service providers.


Technical Executive

Digicom is willing to give back to the community in a number of ways. We are very happy to have them as a service provider.

Saifur Rahman

Dream Cable

As a technical professional, I appreciated the approach of ‘this is how it is’ without the sales-man sugar coating techniques. This type of professional honesty I did not get from the other service providers.


Line Technician

I worked at many company but i see on digicom it has very clear channel


We are Happy To Assist you anytime Don't be shy to contact with us


Shahid Shahidullah Kaisar Rd

Feni, 3900

Call Us

02 334 473 148

Email Us


Open Hours

Saturday - Thursday

9:00AM - 09:00PM

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